I've never ever attended an artist's fan meet before. Never one to really go to such things since I know how it's going to be: super hot and the crowd will be crazy huge. But there's just something about Lee Min Ho and his portrayal of the character, Choi Young, in Faith that really got to me. (Of course, his gorgeous Bench ads are another factor that added fuel to my fangirling.) And so when I found out that Bench is offering free invites for his fun meet, the fangirl in me rushed to the nearest Bench store and as soon as I stepped in, I asked what hundreds of people have most probably asked before me: "Are there still Patron invites left?" I didn't get them at first but when Bench released the new batch of Patron invites, I fortunately was able to get hold of two. I was intent on dragging a friend to enable my craziness. Lol. Some friends were even surprised at this sudden burst of Lee Min Ho fangirling. As I've said before, you can't underestimate the powers of a pretty face. But seriously, I thought this would be a great chance to do something I've never done before. I just wanted to know what it's like to be part of such an experience. I know it will be very interesting. And it really was.

Event's about to start and this is the longlonglonglonglong line getting into Araneta. It was like almost two blocks, I think? My jaw literally dropped when I saw the line in the morning for the exchange of tickets. I arrived there around 7:30 am (Ticket exchange starts at 8am.) and it was already crazy long. Lesson learned. Lesson learned.
Stood in line for like 3 hours for these so they deserve a special shot. Lol. I can feel all my muscles aching again. Lol. My friend was coming in the afternoon, so I was alone in line. But thankfully, I got to meet and chat with two wonderful people ahead of me in the line.
It's about to start!
I couldn't upload the video when he stepped on to the stage. Ugh. But nevertheless, I have some pretty pictures. We were a bit far from the stage but at least I can still see his features. Lol. And I must say, the wait from 7:30 am till 7:30 pm was worth it. Really. I didn't really expect it to hit me like that. Lol. When he came out it was like heaven. Lol. God, he's one gorgeous specimen. My friend was going wild beside me, pulling and pushing, so the video I had been taking is super shaky. Lol.
Can't stop clicking the camera. Lol. And right now, I just want to post every single photo. Lol. He's even handsome in the blurred shots. It's ridiculous. Lol.
I think I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.
The "Get That Look" and "Act That Scene" finalists. So cool. And he's really sweet with his fans.
These lucky fans' tickets got picked to be on stage with him! Sososo lucky! They probably saved the world a bunch of times in the past. As one of my friends said to me, they're superheroes (Sam Oh is the leader.) and I'll always be a supervillain. Lol. Just the way of the world, man. But maybe not getting picked is a blessing in disguise. I have been waiting for half a day since the morning. I look haggard so... Lol. This is towards the end of the event. I love that he is so humble and sweet to his fans and helps them out and he doesn't object to giving them a hug. Aww.

Well, it's over now. So bitin. (More, please.) But it was a really fun night. Super thanks to Bench who made it possible. Opened up my eyes to the world of fan meets. Haha. It's mindboggling as well; the power of just one person. Would I ever do something like this again? Hm, never say never. I never really thought I'd ever make this effort. So, we'll see. There's still Big Bang! Lol. I wish they'd hold a meet and greet here in the Philippines. Wishful thinking. Or maybe Kim Hee Sun. ABS-CBN will be showing Faith, right? OMG. If they ever manage to invite her to Manila, I'll definitely be there! She's super gorgeous and she seems so down-to-earth! I must meet her in person! Haha! I think she can beat Lee Min Ho in the gorgeousness. Haha! Another wishful thinking. But hey, I never really thought I'd get to see Lee Min Ho.
There can be miracles when you believe? Lol.